JoyHe2009-09-27 19:54:23
I am a (non-tenure track but renewable every three year) faculty member at a University and I was told my by university lawyer that the green card needs to be filed with 18 months of receiving the offer letter (EB2 for special handling). I cannot do this since 18-month time limit passed. Can my green card in the EB2 category still be filed by the university without special handling. I however cannot apply through National Interest Waiver. Is it very complicated or can the university still be able to work at this. Please help and advise.

8632112009-09-27 20:01:40
回复:Pijiang and other experts: Please help and advise
JoyHe2009-09-28 02:19:27
回复:回复:Pijiang and other experts: Please help and advise
JoyHe2009-09-28 03:02:12
回复: 863211: Thank you very much for your help!