hope22009-09-28 18:11:47
收到RFE说我用了过期作废的I-864A表格,但是我的Case用不着这个表格,而且我也没交这个表格.很奇怪为什么会收到这样的RFE.是不是USCIS搞错了.请教有经验的高人,我该怎样回复this RFE.

Thank you so much!!
燕子宝贝2009-09-28 20:19:59
hope22009-09-28 20:40:35
那我该怎样回复呢? 谢谢了!!
燕子宝贝2009-09-28 22:59:24
8632112009-09-28 23:06:05
Go to USCIS local office to see what happened.
hope22009-09-29 00:25:57
Thanks! Called service center & only repeated RFE letter
hope22009-09-29 16:23:10
Went to infopass this morning...
needwait..2009-09-29 18:08:35
If you ignore any RFE, you will wait the denied results