cthelp2009-10-13 23:11:53
最怕填表,真给移民局整怕了。我给父母同时申请移民,1-130是分开的两份。父亲的1-864 中PART3里问同时移民的人,是否应该填上母亲的信息。该条中注明:‘DO NOT INCLUDE ANY RELATIVE LISTED ON A SEPARATE VISA PETITION.' 那我母亲的情况算不算“ON SEPARATE VISA PETITION"? 如果不算,后面统计:HOUSEHOLD SIZE的时候不就没有她了吗?头大了,简直像文字游戏。由衷佩服各位高人,能把这些事情搞明白。真心求救,望赐教。
I am not sure how to count household size for part 5, question 21 (f) "If you have sponsored any other persons on an I-864 or I-864 EZwho are now lawful permanent residents, enter the number here."
Since I am sponsoring my mom the same time, she is not qualified as (f), where I should count my mom???
I need to file her file this Friday, your help is really appreciated.
Thank you!
caryz2009-10-14 00:54:25
I did include mom there.
sdfsdfsdff2009-10-14 15:34:30
回复:Ugent help needed: form 1-864 for 父母同时申请移民