mainlanding2009-10-22 03:39:05
The National Immigration Law Center is hosting a call in day, tomorrow, Thursday, October 22, 2009 to voice to the House of Representatives that it is crucial to eliminate the five year waiting period for legal immigrants in Medicaid, Medicare, and CHIP when it moves its health care reform legislation forward this week. As it stands now, most recent legal immigrants are forced to wait five years before using these programs, even though they pay the same taxes as citizens to support these programs.

As the U.S. House of Representatives move to finalize its health reform legislation this week, immigrants continue to be left out. Your voice is needed to urge the House of Representatives to act right now to give immigrants a fair opportunity for affordable health insurance. It is critical that the House of Representatives take action now to end the unfair 5-year waiting period in Medicaid, Medicare and CHIP (the Children's Health Insurance Program). This will only happen if enough people call and demand fairness.

We have missed many opportunities to get a fair healthcare to our Asian communities especially our senior immigrants who are most vulnerable to the medical issues. we can not miss this one. We have to kick, scream and cry. Otherwise, nobody will pay attention to us.

Please tell the congress that this is not an immigration issue. Since US government has allowed these people to immigrate, then we should treat them the same way as others. In addition, Medicaid and Medicare will eventually take care these legal immigrants. However, many of them have undiagnosed medical issues, such as hypertension and diabetes, which need proper preventive care. Without the proper preventive care for 5 years, these medical issues can aggravate and cost more for the medicaid and medicare to treat them down the road.

Our community needs your help. Please spread this info to your communities and call or email the congress tomorrow.


Here is the instruction regarding how to contact Congress...
doshexh2009-10-22 03:58:07
回复:what "legal immigrants" refers here? GC?H?