maleHalloween2009-11-01 04:23:46
本周五受到我的绿卡,周二收到夫人的, 到此为止申请绿卡之路结束. 得到网上诸多朋友帮助, 在此发一帖,以示感谢, 可能也会帮助别人.

基本情况: 一切都是DIY, 2006年二月递交140, 五月批准, 中间收到RFE, 得著名范姓律师免费指教15分钟, 其余两位著名律师欲敲诈未遂($4500); 2007 年7 月报485, 九月打手指纹, 本人2009年7 月二次指纹, 同时莫名其妙得到第二个A#. 2009年 9月初EB1A网上报140, 10 月一日批准, 10日收到EMAIL CARDS ARE PRODUCED. But till now the online status for my new 140 is acceptance, stupid USCIS. I called them, they told me this was controled by contractor company and they have no way to correct it.

体会1 : 三年间一直想报EB1A, 但是推荐信等很长时间, 最终得一妙法: 给所有引用你PAPER的PI 发EMAIL, 最终得6 封推荐信. 解决了问题. 本人有1 PAPER 100 引用, 1 PAPER 200 引用.只试了前30 PI 即完成任务. 模版如下:

"Dear Dr. XXXXX: I am a researcher at UNI. and I noticed that you cited one of my papers. I am writing today to ask a favor of you concerning my US Immigration case. Because my immigration case is based on my research, my immigration lawyer has told me that getting a recommendation letter from someone like you (someone who has not worked with me but who has cited my work) would significantly strengthen my case. For your convenience, I have already prepared a letter for you to review which I could email to you. So please let me know if you would be willing to review and sign a recommendation letter for my case.

Attached is a copy of my CV. (Please note that my papers have been
cited more than 100 times)

Please feel free to call or email if you have any questions.

体会2: 最近读到两位儿童鞋EB1A被拒绝的贴子. 我人为还是两位没仔细回复RFE所致. RFE 的关键所在是忘掉你已经提供了材料, 全部重新做一遍, 包括再找3-5封信. STATEMENT格式也改变一下. 遗民局的蠢驴不可能再仔细看你第一次的东西. RFE邮寄的东西多于第一次的一定成功. 这两位可稍微修改再递一次.

体会3: 帮人即是帮自己. 近4年来我帮了2位请律师的朋友和一位DIY的, 在我申报EB!A时提高了本人的质量, 其中2 人至今不知使我收益了.
体会4: Twice at 5:00 am I received cell phone TXT for case update and it is very useful.
最后祝所有申请绿卡的朋友心想事成. HAPPY HALLOWEEN.null
chengyh12009-11-01 15:49:03
回复:got green cards