2009.2 申请EB1A,TSC,DIY,
2009.5 被转到NSC.
2009.10 接到REF通知
任国家自然科学基金和省级自然科学基金评委3年,review 60-70 grants
AAAS 和国内几个associations会员
曾获地方"优秀青年科技工作者" 和一个国际会议的schorlarship
8个推荐信, 4个独立推荐人.
EB1A claim 1,2,4,5,6 但每条都被REF了.具体为:
I.AWARD: please submit documentary evidence for award criteria, significance, and reputation of the organization granting the award.
II.Membership: please submit evidence to establish that these associations require outstanding achievement as an essential condition for admission to membership.
IV.Review: please submit documentation of the criteria for selection as a reviewer. please submit documentary evidence to establish how your participation is uncommon or otherwise noteworthy relative to others.
V.Contribution: 推荐人讲了你的重要贡献. please submit objective documentary evidence of the significance of each contribution to the field.
VI. Publication citation.
REF的问题感觉比较抽象, 特别是第5条, 请大家帮忙如何回复.此外还有几个问题:
1. 国家自然科学基金可以算award吗? 我当时claim them as contribution.现在感觉claim award比较好些. 这些award的criteria如何算documentary evidence? 需要找授奖机构出证明吗? 很久前好象有人曾在版上贴过国家自然科学基金获得和评审的criteria,不知哪位大侠有保留,恳请借用一下.
2. 国内的证明大家是如何翻译为英文的? 需要找专业的翻译机构吗?
3. 因本人主要工作在国内, 英文引用较少, 中文引用可以算吗?
4. 递交后本人又有2篇文章发表, 这个可以算update吗?
5. 关于推荐信, 没有要求, 我还有必要再递交2-3 封吗? 大家REF时是否都要递交新的推荐信?
6. 第5条的objective documentary evidence指什么?