EB1ATSC2009-11-19 16:42:53
Service Center: Texas
Category: EB1A
Application Filed: Mar 2009
I-140/485 Filing: concurrent
I-140 Processing Type: regular
RFE Received Date: Aug 2009
RFE Replied Date: Sep 2009
I-140 Approval Date: 17 Nov 2009
Card Production Ordered: 17 Nov 2009

背景:美国Ph.D, 现在在一国家实验室做博后。18篇paper (一作8),conference papers 23 (5 invited talks),引用88 (107 when replied RFE),审稿10次,Media Report 5次,几个专业的membership,一个杂志的Guest Editor,组织过3次会议session。推荐信8封。

RFE内容: 基本上除了authorship没意见,review没找到,别的都有意见。比如Media Report,说报道的是这个人的paper,不是人,不算。还有Original Contribution,“Evidence of the alien’s original scientific, scholarly, artistic, athletic , or business-related contributions of major significance in the field; Specifically how many other individuals, groups, or organizations have incorporated the self-petitioner’s contributions into their own method of operation? What has been the outcome of the self-petitioner’s contribution(s)? How has the self-petitioner's contribution(s) changed the daily practice of the arts, sciences, athletics, academia, or business?”

最初申请是DIY的,收到RFE不知道该怎么回复,在这个版上看到 fsa2000帮很多人办过RFE,评价很好,就联系了他,觉得确实很有经验,能够抓住RFE的重点,回信也很及时。非常感谢fas2000的帮助!

guweimin2009-11-19 20:37:29