1。lease on all apartments that petitioner and beneficiary have occupied ,with rent recipts.
在我们结婚初8个月时,我们是和别人share apartment的,那时就是写支票给roommate他再交给super,尽管后来几年我们都保存了住房的lease和付帐收据。可是请教各位,如果实话实说以前和别人share房子所以没lease,但是提供之后几年的证据可以吗?还是需要怎么做呢?
2。letters from employers of petitioner on emplayer's letterhead, signed by an official of the firm stating date employmen began, marital status, dependents claimed, whom to notifyin case of emgerence, and amount of salary.
不很明白上面的意思。难道请公司HR部门负责人开了证明现任工作起时间,职务和薪水,婚姻状况,出事联系人外,还需要再请什么人签字吗?这official of the firm是什么意思呢?还有dependents claimed什么意思呢?