frederick20092009-12-10 13:33:20
在国内时是CP, 来美5年没有交党费等。后来因为J1的原因回国, 国内又把党员续上了。现刚来美国1个月,准备递交Eb1a 485, 是共产党,GC 会有问题吗?应该怎么解释? 谢谢
frederick20092009-12-10 13:35:57
EB1a was approved
frederick20092009-12-10 13:51:44
I think the person satisfies wtih this:
frederick20092009-12-10 14:02:16
thanks, but have not received it yet
frederick20092009-12-10 14:55:51
The person is going to tell the truth about CP.
waitingforthedream2009-12-10 18:50:18
you are so stupid. You want to get everything in your order
frederick20092009-12-10 20:10:57
I thnk lying is more stupid? if in case it is found by USCIS
8632112009-12-10 22:00:41
回复:在国内时是CP, 来美5年没有交党费等
frederick20092009-12-11 02:07:03
thank you so much.