newcomer20092009-12-10 18:18:49
I got laid off before Oct. As i contacted the attorney who handled my case in early October, my company didn't notify uscis to cancel my H1b at the time.

If my company canceled my H1b by any chance later, will they notify me? Or I have to ask the attorney again to find out?

dreambackhome2009-12-10 21:40:17
你的想象该如何保持合法身份先, 你公司忘了取消, 但如果想到了,你公司没有义务通知你啊
wells19992009-12-10 21:57:56
your company won't notify you. You need to ask attorney to find
newcomer20092009-12-10 22:20:07
if h1b got cancelled...
8632112009-12-10 22:44:04
回复:if h1b got cancelled...