Alldaydreaming2010-01-14 19:23:39
I am planning a trip to Cancun in Feb. But just find out my passport will be expired in May, 2010. I have green card. Just checked on embassy website, it takes one month to get a new one. If a new one is required, I will have to cancel my trip then. thank you very much for your help!
8632112010-01-14 19:28:56
回复:Passport expiration_Thanks in advance
Alldaydreaming2010-01-15 00:19:38
回复:回复:Passport expiration_Thanks in advance
Alldaydreaming2010-01-15 00:26:16
回复:回复:Passport expiration_Thanks in advance
8632112010-01-15 01:26:11
回复:回复:回复:Passport expiration_Thanks in advance