晓雨2010-01-26 22:10:15
我现在的身份是140已批, 485 pending over 4 years, 老公是主申请人.我持EAD在公司工作, 现接到来自大学的offer.

请问我能否用EAD 从工业界的工作换到大学里去吗? 谢谢各位大侠。
色大胆小2010-01-26 22:16:48
When you finally get your green card, there would still be jobs
晓雨2010-01-26 22:34:06
So you mean I can change. Thanks. I thought
pjiang2010-01-26 22:56:29
What I learned from "色大"'s post is - 回复:So you mean I can change
晓雨2010-01-26 23:03:23
Thanks a lot. But I am not the principal applicant, so I think I
8632112010-01-26 23:07:42
回复:Thanks a lot. But I am not the principal applicant, so I thin
晓雨2010-01-26 23:09:14
请教pjiang老师: May I change the job if I am not the principal appli
晓雨2010-01-26 23:10:08
Great! Thank you SO MUCH!