小天使的妈2010-03-14 04:42:09
律师要charge我们近2k刀,所以决定自己操作. 律师给了个list, 但是我们还是有些问题希望得到高手的指点:

1. 以下是律师提供的除了正式表格的文件list,还有什么遗漏吗? (护照,所有签
证,I94,I-140 approval notice, H-1/4,OPT EAD,I-20, employment letter, tax return and W2 of last 3 years, certificate of birth, no criminal, marriage)

2. I-485, I-131, I-765都需要cover letter吗? 主申请人和附属申请人的cover letter有什么不同吗? 哪里可以提供一个cover letter的样稿吗?

3. 在安排文件的次序上有什么窍门吗? 有人提到在纸的上部打两个洞, 那如何装订呢? 支票, 照片和I693的信封又如何固定呢?

4. 附属申请人是F-1,仅在去年系里给了hourly-pay的grading job, 以及帮其他系的一个老师干活, also hourly-pay. 请问这算employment吗, 需要系里和那个老师提供employment letter吗? 我们的tax return都是jointly filed,那附属申请人就提供一样的tax return和去年的w2可以吗?

5. 我们需要任何I-485的supplement表吗?

6. 上大学时的军训算military training吗? 如果是, 该如何解释呢, like "The
military training was received during the freshman year in college. It was required from the Department of Education in China as an approach for discipline enhancement and was executed in majority of Chinese universities."

7. 当前的H-1B是六月底过期,renewal has been submitted,需要另附一张纸解释吗?

8. G-325A表中,"Applicant's last address outside the US of more than 1 year",我们是学生毕业后直接出国,是写家里地址还是学校地址? 如果是学校地址,是宿舍地址(天啊,我们根本记不住了)还是一个学校的通用地址? "Applicant's employment in last 5 years", 在学校作TA/RA算吗? "This form is submitted in connection with an application for",该选什么,Naturalization,Status as Permanent Resident, or other?

9. 所以附加页需要在页顶还是页脚打印名字,A数字以及表格名称?

10.I-765表中, "I am applying for",应选"Permission to accept employment",即使我们曾经有OPT EAD,对吗? "Have you ever before applied EAD",应选"Yes" for the OPT EAD,对吗? "16. eligibility catagory" is (c)(9), right?


8632112010-03-14 16:48:39
回复:关于DIY I-485及相关表格的问题