tbanas2010-04-10 01:38:19

具体原因是the DOL has indicated that the PERM cannot be certified at this time because the dates listed on the Form ETA 9089 for the PWD's issuance date and validity date do not match the dates listed on the PWD itself.律师建议走 Reconsideration (MTR),并且对approval比较乐观。

具体计划是explaining the difference in dates and pointing out that your PERM case, including the PWD submitted with it, satisfies all of the DOL requirements.

请问,这种情况到底是standard appeal还是MTR,MTR现在大概多久才能有回信(怕DOL一年半载不回信,renew H1B出问题),还是重新file一个PERM?感谢感谢


pjiang2010-04-10 03:28:31
回复:PERM递交两年audit被拒, 请问Pjiang,863211老师指点
tbanas2010-04-10 13:27:41
回复:回复:PERM递交两年audit被拒, 请问Pjiang,863211老师指点