It is not clear that the beneficiary is coming to the US to perform services in a "specialty occupation." The proffered position does not appear to involve such specialization or complexity as to require the knowledge associated with the attainment of a baccalaureate degree or is commensurate with the nature, scope, and/ or size of the employer's performing duties at the level required for consideration as a "specialty occupation".
Please submit evidence showing that in your company and in similarly
situated businesses in your industry, a baccalaureate degree in a specific field of study is a standard minimum requirement for the job offered. Attestations to industry standards must be for similar positions among companies in your industry of comparable size and function. Please note that a statement by the petitioner does not serve as documentary evidence to establish that a bachelor’s degree is an industry requirement.
律师让自己写个详细的工作说明,解释一下自己现在工作内容。我觉着这也不能自己写什么是什么啊,这部应该是律师的事情吗? 各位能不能再给出出主意,写材料应该注意什么。还有没有其他材料能帮上忙的呢?