bjfriend2004-10-01 20:01:44
I applied in May 2002 and got interview waived in Oct. 2003. Did medical examination and finger prints in the same month. Since then, I haven't got amy news from Buffalo. It is almost a year. My medical exam is going to expire soon. Tried to send a fax to Buffalo but did not get any reply. Does anybody know what is going on there and have similar situation? Please share your experience with me. Thanks.
iamshrek2004-10-01 20:18:30
回复:Canada Immi situation
请教,谢谢,2004-10-01 20:21:50
iamshrek2004-10-01 20:45:21
请教,谢谢,2004-10-01 20:59:06
iamshrek2004-10-01 21:03:15
Immicanad2004-10-02 00:51:05
回复:Canada Immi situation
finemuse2004-10-02 02:38:50
回复:Canada Immi situation
Immicanad2004-10-02 23:42:47
回复:回复:Canada Immi situation