sidbal2010-04-29 04:09:48
律师刚通知我被RFE了。律师给我claim了6条: leadership, contribution, publication, judge, membership, and award. RFE只有两条: salary level和membership criteria. 只RFE这两条,是不是说其他5条都通过了?如果是这样,怎么还会RFE呢?多谢赐教!


Associations: provide the minimum requirements and criteria used to apply for membership in the association in which the alien claims membership. Also, include the evidence that lists the number of current members; the beneficiary's rank compared to other members in the association; the status held by the association in the international community in the field of endeavor, and any other conditions or requirements of membership.

问: 我的membership很弱, sigma xi, acm, ieee, 但律师很固执,一定要用,不过那些criteria大都交过了,不知为什么还要.sigma xi, acm, ieee 都榨不出什么东西来了, 不知怎么准备材料, 比如the beneficiary's rank compared to other members? 放弃能行么? 申请了6条, 放弃这一条无所谓吧? 就算RFE的两条都不要了也还有5条(下一条根本没claim),可能第二次被RFE么?

Remuneration: The evidence submitted does not clearly establish that the alien has commanded a high salary or other significantly high remuneration for services compared to others in the field for a sustained period. Submit evidence, such as a statistical comparison of the salaries in the field of Artistic Direction, from the Economic Research Institute, or like organization, to establish that the alien has commanded a high salary or other significantly high remuneration for services compared to others in the field.

问: 这条我没claim,而且我也不是"Artistic Direction",不知道是怎么回事。怎么回复?是不是就提供一下自己的工资情况?
pjiang2010-04-29 13:19:26
回复:RFE求助: PP的EB1a
sidbal2010-04-30 03:43:13
回复:回复:RFE求助: PP的EB1a