风云20002004-10-02 07:30:51
2003年9月底发的申请,2004年6月4日收到第一封信,免面试。2004年7月1日做体检,7月22日把无犯罪证明寄给BUFFALO,到现在为止,我网上的STATUS还是( start processing your file from Octomber, 2003. )
我人在美国。请问这正常吗? At least they should have received my medical results and update my information online as" medical results received".
Did anyone who has the same time line already receive their approval?
Please advise. Thanks a million.
asdfsd2004-10-02 17:29:03
回复:my case&time of CA immigration
dadamu2004-10-04 00:53:38
回复:回复:my case&time of CA immigration