gong20102010-05-12 17:11:37
Re: Employment Verification of Miss xxx

Dear Sir/Madam,

This letter is to support Miss xxx Application for Adjustment of Status, based on an approved I-140 Immigrant Petition.

This letter is to certify that Miss xxx has joined XXX Co., Ltd on June 1st 2010 as a YYY Analyst, under my supervision. This is a permanent full-time position at our XXX facility, with an annual salary of $xxx.

Her duties at XXX Co., Ltd include:
* Almost the same as listed on ETA 9089 Labor certificate application form

We understand that Miss xxx has been a YYY Analyst in her previous company when her I-140 Immigrant Petition was approved. This is to verify that Miss xxx will continue to carry out the terms and conditions of the approved I-140 petition. We expect to continue to utilize her skills in this position after approval of her form I-485 and subsequently, her approval of Permanent Resident Card (Green Card).

If you have any questions you are welcome to contact me.

Truly Yours,

Boss name
XXX Co., Ltd
pjiang2010-05-12 17:48:12
回复:Pjiang and oth Expert:AC21 Employment Verification Letter 这样写
gong20102010-05-12 20:43:35
回复:回复:Pjiang and oth Expert:AC21 Employment Verification Letter