JennyJWang2010-06-04 17:43:05
我人在美国. 在帮父母填写DS160表的"Did anyone assist you in filling out this application?" 一项中, 是应该填我的名字和在美国的地址吗? 如果是,要怎样理解"You are required to electronically sign your application yourslef, unless otherwise exempt by regulation, even if the application has been prepared by someone other than yourself" 这段在"Sign and Submit"那一页的话? 这样的话, 大使馆会否察觉我父母并没有"sign your application yourself"?

另外, 我怎样在美国为父母付签证申请费?


8632112010-06-04 19:27:12
回复:急问: 父母DS160表