greencardtobe2010-06-13 07:07:41
在我打1800电话后,收到一封e-mail, 内容如下:

The status of this service request is: The processing of your case has been delayed. A check of our records establishes that your case is not yet ready for decision, as the required investigation into your background remains open. Until the background investigation is completed, we cannot move forward on your case. These background checks are required to be completed on all applicants who apply for the immigration benefit you are seeking. We will make every effort to make a decision on this case as soon as the background checks are complete. If you do not receive a decision or other notice of action from us within 6 months of this letter, please contact customer service at the number provided below.

0000032010-06-13 18:42:24
yes, i think you should contact your Senators and House Represen
greencardtobe2010-06-14 06:47:58
是Senators 有用还是congressman有用?
won'ttell2010-06-14 16:32:15
write to them all.
pd10202010-06-20 04:16:20
mind sharing any update?