CA-H1---------------2004-10-05 18:08:27
Just saw the post about H1 transfer from university to company. My situation is even confusing:

I work in a non-profit company, but it is NOT a research organization. When I filed H1, I have no idea so I filed fee exempt petition which is for non-profit research organization. And this was approved.That means BCIS treat this as a non-profit research organization. BUt it is in fact NOT and should be limited by quota. When I filed the petition, there were a lot of quota left for that year so I am pretty sure mine takes a place in the quota.

Now if I want to transfer, I have no idea whether my H1 is limited by the current year quota. Anyone has any idea?
BMW330XI2004-10-05 21:35:33
回复:H-1 transfer confusing!!!!
fanafan2004-10-05 22:31:00
回复:H-1 transfer confusing!!!!
BMW330XI2004-10-05 23:03:29
回复:回复:H-1 transfer confusing!!!!