最近看了Ron Gotcher关于same or similar occupational category的分析, 不知道他说的是否有道理?请各位大侠分析下, 或者哪位有经验的能谈谈?
The O*Net also groups occupations by “Career Clusters.” This appears to be a narrow grouping. The definition of this category is: “Career Clusters contain occupations in the same field of work that require similar skills.” Note that the emphasis here is “same field of work” – not “same or similar.” I think that we can safely say that all occupations within with the same “career cluster” qualify as “the same occupational classification.”
也就是说只要是同一个career cluster里的就qualify “the same occupational classification.”? 比如说electical engineer 和 Statisticians 都属于Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, 那么他们就是“the same occupational classification.”, 符合AC21的要求?