AQAQ20102010-07-11 19:46:13
For the first time, my parents got one-year multiple entry B2. Like many other friends here, I want them to stay with us as long as possible, I'm on H1B.

Has someone already summarized a strategy to do this ?

I've got a few plans but not sure if feasible. Please give your opinion.

1. Parents stay for 6 months then go back China, stay for a few months, then come back before visa expires, get another 6 month.

Advantage: the 2nd 6 months shoud be easy to get , right?
Disadvantage: international trip is long, tiring and high cost, especially for old parents, not living in big cities.

2. Parents stay for 6 months. Just a few days before I-94 expires, drive/or fly to Canada/Maxico, stay for a few days, after I-94 expired, enter USA, hopefully get a new I-94 with new 6 months

Advantage: no long international trip
Disadvantage: is it feasible, has someone tried ?

pjiang(皮匠) in his article says it's ok:
B-1/B-2 境内延留之攻略

But here is another lawyer's article says NOT:
B-1/B-2 到加、墨等邻国延I-94 的可性:

Could 皮匠 or somebody confirm ?

3. parents stay for 6 months, go back China. At this time, Parents-in-law come for 6 months, then go back China. Now my parents' visa already expired,have to re-apply for B2 visa, ...