simpleeasy2010-08-01 19:53:45
要么填写哪天注射了该疫苗,要么 在 NOT FLU SEASON 选中打叉


我询问附近中国大夫,告诉我这一针就$250, 而且必须打, 还得另付其它体检费和疫苗费用。

我在移民局网站查询信息如下,我理解应该不用注射。请大家帮我看看,influenza 和 下面提到的the seasonal flu 是不是就是一回事: 谢谢大家。
Vaccination Requirements
Q. When does the flu season start for purposes of the seasonal flu vaccine requirement? Since the seasonal flu vaccine is required, do I have to get the seasonal flu vaccine if it is not the flu season?
A. For purposes of the immigration medical examination, the flu season starts on October 1 and ends on March 31 each year. If your immigration medical examination is during this period, you are required to have the seasonal flu vaccine. If you have an immigration medical examination completed between April 1 and September 30, when it is not the flu season for immigration purposes, you are not required to document that you have received the seasonal flu vaccine.

请分享父母最近做体检了,他们注射influenza 了吗。非常感谢。
8632112010-08-02 00:21:13
回复:父母70岁,移民绿卡体检,其中influenza vaccine