胖妞1122010-08-26 16:41:07
I am waiting for my EAD card renewal. I turned in the application at the end of May. My currrent card's expriration date is 9/2/10.
My question is if I don't receive new card before 9/2/10, am I still eligible for short term disablility benefit? I am on merternity leave now. Thanks!
pjiang2010-08-26 16:48:00
Yes - 回复:Please help--EAD Card question
胖妞1122010-08-26 16:51:59
回复:Yes - 回复:Please help--EAD Card question
拖拉机手2010-08-26 17:03:58
If your insurance provider requires the EAD, you get to wait.
胖妞1122010-08-26 17:23:17
回复:If your insurance provider requires the EAD, you get to wait.
拖拉机手2010-08-27 03:26:28