davidxjzz2010-09-27 15:54:10

我是EB2,用EAD (IT),Priority date 08/2006,准备换工作,两个offers, one is W2 and the other is 1099. I prefer 1099,但是我怕影响绿卡申请. just in case get references. 如果选择1099,是否有风险?多谢各位!

pjiang2010-09-27 16:14:48
回复:请教皮老师或8老师 I485 或 其他高手
davidxjzz2010-09-27 17:51:29
Mr. PJiang, I still didn't get it.
pjiang2010-09-28 17:38:24
1099 is for contractor - 回复:Mr. PJiang, I still didn't get it.