giselefr2010-10-30 23:04:21


The Department of Homeland Security -Bureau of Immrgrations and Customs Enforcement is unable to validate the documentation presented with your application.

In order to complete your application, please submit another document that establishes proof of legal presence and a copy of this letter by mail to the:

Legal Presence Verfication Unit

请问,老师我的证明只有当时转身份时学校给的, 再没其他了。 我现在应该怎么办呢?这个部门看着很吓人,不会我的驾照没有申请下来,还会被驱逐出境吧

8632112010-10-31 00:20:50
回复:急求,PJIANG 和863211,非移民身份转换后
giselefr2010-10-31 02:07:42
8632112010-10-31 02:28:22
giselefr2010-10-31 03:21:05
Thanks alot