LuckyGreen2010-12-06 00:36:02

我的公司是一个private company. 公司的CFO只要涉及财务方面的信息,一律不提供,在填写140的时候搞了20多天才要到annual revenue. 这回要不材料,USCIS估计也疯了,要求提供研究人员的W-2和公司的财务报表等信息。请大家帮忙出个主意。马上就DEADLINE了!无奈中。。。


2. Submit evidence that the petitioner employs at least three full-time employees in research positions. This evidence may include but is not limited to the following:

(1) copies of each employee’s most recent Form W-2 and an indication of the position held by each employee;


(2) a copy of the petitioner’s organizational chart with an explanation of the position held by each employee;


(3) a letter from the petitioner listing the number of employees and explaining the position held by each employee;


(4) a legible photocopy of the petitioner’s annual report listing the number of employees and explaining the position held by each employee; or


(5) any other comparable evidence.

3. Submit evidence to establish that the petitioner had the financial ability to pay the proffered wage as of May 04, 2010, the priority date, and continues to have such ability. Such evidence must include annual reports, U.S. Federal tax returns or audited financial statements.

In addition to the documents listed above, you may also include additional evidence, such as profit/loss statements, bank account records, personnel records. If you employ 100 workers or more, you may submit a statement from a financial officer of the organization, establishing your ability to pay the proffered wage. 
