LA19112010-12-28 16:09:27

Dear, I got denial letter by appling LCA. Please help! I used as the data source.

REASON FOR DENIAL: Either Section G.7 or Section G.11b of this application contains an obvious inaccuracy or is incomplete. As per ETA Form 9035 CP - General Instructions for the 9035 & 9035E:


Section G.7: "If the employer received a Prevailing Wage Determination (PWD) from the State Workforce Agency (SWA) or an OFLC National Processing Center (NPC), enter the state/district/territory of the Agency which issued the PWD.  If the employer did not obtain a PWD from the SWA or NPC, enter 'N/A.'  Use this field ONLY where the employer obtained a prevailing wage from the SWA or NPC."
Section G.11b: This field should be used in circumstances where the employer has marked "OES" in section G.11 and the employer did not obtain a prevailing wage from the SWA or NPC. "For example, if the employer obtained a prevailing wage using OES data from the Foreign Labor Certification Data Center Online Wage Library at, then the words 'OFLC Online Data Center' must be entered in the space provided."

I filled the items as below:

7.Agency which issued prevailing wage (filled N/A)

7a.Prevailing wage tracking number(filled N/A)

8.Wage Level (picked 1 from 1,2,3,N/A)

9.Prevailing wage ($49733)

10.Per (picked Year from Hour,Week,Month,Year)

11.Prevailing wage source (picked Other from OES,CBA,DBA,SCA,Other)

11a.Year source published(filled 2010)

11b.If "OES",and SWA/NPC did not issue prevailing wage OR "Other" in question 11, specify soure (filled Online wage library)

8632112010-12-28 17:25:16
回复:Prevailing Wage questions