Ganpai2011-01-30 22:48:53


参与的公司包括外联公司、亨瑞公司、世贸通公司、迈斯林公司、Haiyi移民、台湾WTW公司、EB-5市场推广网站“移民超市”CEO,John Li,爱达荷州商务部Brian Dickens、韩国律师行、美国著名监管账户机构NES、美国EB-5媒体USAdvisors总裁也是美国区域中心协会IIUSA法律监督部分的主要负责人Michael Gibson、和由苏丰元先生创办的非盈利性的EB-5中国市场委员会等。

After three successful EB-5 seminars in Chicago and New York City, Artisan Business Group is planning and hosting a one day "EB-5 Regional Centers Promotion and Investors Procurement - Meeting Migration Brokers and VIP Speakers from China, Taiwan, Korea and the US" Conference at Stratosphere Hotel on Feb 20, 2011. For the first time, top executives with licensed Chinese migration companies will join us in Las Vegas. The event will be one of the best EB-5 conferences this year; it is sponsored by Wailian Overseas Consulting Group and NES Financial.