fengcheng062011-02-05 02:49:36

1.Part 3, item 9 Have you resided at any other address since you became an permenant resident?If yes, attach a list of all address and dates.

 My situation is that I worked and lived in my address(another state) for one year and 3 months since I got my conditioned GC,my US citizen spouse works and lives in another city about 3 hours driving from where I stayed, we meet in his place on weekend and holidays during those one year and 3 months.We have joint tax return and joint bank account on his home address for the past three years.Now I already moved to his city and join with him more than 4 months.We have a new home address since I joined with him.I am going to apply for I-751 soon.

Could I list  both his address and my address at the same time during those one and 3 months long distance period?  That means at the same period, I lived at two different places? Is there any trouble if I list the two address with overlapped dates?Any good suggestions?

2. Part 5 Information about your children

   We have a child born to the marriage and is a US citizen, should I fill my child's info here? Seems like only those children who was immigrated with mother or father should fill info here.Am I correct?

Thank you very much for your reply.


8632112011-02-05 03:00:23
回复:请问 Pjiang ,863211等大侠 I-751 填表问题(婚姻两年转十年绿卡)
fengcheng062011-02-05 05:55:58
still confused :请问 Pjiang ,863211等大侠 I-751 填表问题(婚姻两年转十年绿卡)
8632112011-02-05 06:42:35
回复:still confused :请问 Pjiang ,863211等大侠 I-751 填表问题(婚姻两年转十年绿卡)
fengcheng062011-02-05 15:45:12
Got it , thanks again for reply.
pjiang2011-02-05 16:12:12
There is no option when you answer Part 5 regarding your child -
fengcheng062011-02-05 19:46:22
回复:There is no option when you answer Part 5 regarding your chil