ITS-GS2011-04-15 04:53:00


1) 我的问题是, 我刚收到移民局的电子邮件,说是RFE的信已寄出,但不知道是什么.是不是寄给律师了?还是他根据经验判断的?

2) 证明合法性,要出什么材料? 我是在485交完一年左右换的工作.在H1Btransfer交上去后就去上班了. 陈律师的贴子上写的是要出原单位最后三个工资单和新单位最早的工资单,证明什么时间换的和有没有GAP.可是我的工资单都不知道哪去了. 怎么办呢? 转H1B的approval notice 有用吗?

3) If I have to find a new attorney, how much do they charge typically for RFE?

4) The similarity of the job is referring to the same/similar field of the work/job title of myslef or the similarity of the organizations? I have relocated from one city to another city, does that matter?

5) I did not file AC21 before and did not know that until today. So will that bring me any trouble.

Many thanks in advance for any advice!!




8632112011-04-15 05:03:10
8632112011-04-15 05:04:51
Read this link for more information
ITS-GS2011-04-15 05:23:03
Thx!! One more question: about the letter to the congresswoman
8632112011-04-15 05:30:51
回复:Thx!! One more question: about the letter to the congresswoma
ITS-GS2011-04-15 05:41:48
Thanks for your help! Really appreciate it!!!
帮帮看2011-04-15 14:56:52