生活的难处2011-04-19 18:02:45

I'm currently holding my H1-B, but i got in U.S. as a B1/B2 in 2003 and changed status to F1 in state. now, I am just hold my H1-b not apply Green Card yet. Is there any risk if i go back to visit?

thanks in advance!

pjiang2011-04-19 18:42:16
Being a citizen of PRC, your - 回复:Please help! can i go back to
生活的难处2011-04-19 18:54:21
回复:Being a citizen of PRC, your - 回复:Please help! can i go back
8632112011-04-19 19:02:44
回复:回复:Being a citizen of PRC, your - 回复:Please help! can i go b
生活的难处2011-04-20 21:24:09
回复:回复:回复:Being a citizen of PRC, your - 回复:Please help! can i g
8632112011-04-20 23:36:27
回复:回复:回复:回复:Being a citizen of PRC, your - 回复:Please help! can
生活的难处2011-04-21 15:32:49
回复:回复:回复:回复:回复:Being a citizen of PRC, your - 回复:Please help! c