*My H-1B was cancelled due to a secret report based on a false intelligence. Later the intelligence agent make correction saying the previous secret report was wrong. However, the office just love false intelligence only ...
This has caused damage to the NSF funded project. Here is what I reported to my boss:
All these are ridiculous! However, this is a serious business involving possible criminal charges such as hiring an illegal alien (, which is a federal felony), unlawful presence in US, unlawful presence in US for more than 180 days, unauthorized employment, etc. All these terrifying charges are only due to a false intelligence (see attached secret report) made by our IPO staff who has actually made request later to retract the false report however the particular immigration officer just preferred false intelligence and insisted that "false report can not be allowed to be retracted". He preferred to make decision based on false intelligence and then caused this huge size of trouble, on which the provost office has also been notified. Accordingly there will be some delay on the invention disclosure and the two papers, because right now it is federal felony for me to continue the NSF project. (I can't tell you the data too)