man402011-06-13 20:22:36

代价是:丢了新工作,得去看医生,目前有斯德哥尔摩综合症, 两篇已收的conference papers 过了 deadlines(拒绝非法做工的结果), 心灰意冷 (这世道就这么多human errors? BTW my LD's PERM was rejected only because the Job Order was posted for 28 days, less than the required 30-day, due to a complicated human error involving a female western HR "specialist", an "experienced" female western attorney, ...)

<a href="">H-1B给偷偷地吊销了, 新雇主没法申请新的H-1B了,哈哈!

There will be nothing damaging to the person who caused this trouble and these damages.

man402011-06-13 22:59:24
感谢党! 感谢政府!
8632112011-06-14 01:48:45
I am glad to hear that.
henry99992011-06-14 16:38:41
Did you go to Canada to get visa stamp?