Man402011-05-15 23:01:33

(My laywers only work 9am-5am, Monday to Friday ... they don't really care my future, they are calculating how to make more money from my case ... (注: 异议人士都是这么告状喊冤的!))

我要在美国上访, 抗议剥夺我的人权!! 我写过的东西很尖刻. 异议人士在哪儿都是与周围的人行事应变不同。我现在在美国, 我正在想去白宫上访静坐,但很担心我会被一枪穿胸而毙。

我和我的家庭现在是惶惶不可终日,因为我正面临着房屋被银行收回,我被强行遣返,我的家庭被迫拆散的危险. 这一切都是因为美国移民局的官员根本不考虑我的人权, 当有小人害我,偷偷在九个月前写信给移民局取消我的H-1B工作准证后,不分青红皂白,两度粗暴地拒绝恢复我清白的请求, 让我这个被陷害之人, 无端地变成非法移民, 无端地被剥夺做工的权利,无端地承受着莫名的不安和恐惧, 夜夜失眠! 这哪里是一个尊重人权的国度?!这里分明是一片歧视中国人的乐土! 我现在已经是没有收入了. 没有收入的人在美国能活的像个人样吗?! 为什么在美国我连上访静坐的安全感都没有?!  只敢躲在这里告状喊冤?!

Dear Adjudicating Officer at USCIS CSC:

My name is Dr. Nerd, a Chinese national with passport number 1234567. I was approved a H-1B visa, sponsored by University, which was supposed to be valid from 11/02/2009 to 10/14/2012. I have been continuously working in a NSF funded project since 11/15/2009, with nonstop by-weekly paystubs since then. However, the odd thing is: I have been out of status since 08/09/2010 by a heartless and irresponsible decision made by you.

On 08/02/2009, a clerk of University, who didn’t like me because I complaint her before and I didn't gave her any gift as other Chinese schalors did, reported to you secretly with a false statement that I was not employed in University and therefore she request you cancel my H-1B visa immediately and secretly. You believed her and cancelled my H-1B visa secretly 7 days later purely based on your trust to this stranger woman since she didn’t presented any supporting evidence to prove that I was no more employed at University.

The funny thing is: on 01/28/2011 she called you secretly and reported you secretly that I had been actually continuously working at University without any gap since 11/15/2009. You chose to not trust her even she presented you with hard evidence. You insisted that I, as a victim, had lost freedom and rights of a legal alien, and should be subject to house foreclosure (since other US employers can’t sponsor my H-1B now), and family separation (since I am banned from entering US for 3 years).

Analogously, you are a butcher hanging around with a bloody knife in your bloody hands, when a stranger woman accused me that I was a pig, you immediately came to kill me without verifying whether I am really a pig. However, when this stranger woman calmed down and told you: “I am sorry, I made a mistake, and he is not a pig”. You shook you head and insisted: “No! You reported that he is a pig. He is a pig! I am killing him now. My decision can’t be withdrawn!” In my anger mode, I really want to say fu*ck you! (And don’t show you are lack of creativity and reply that you are too old for me to fu*ck. I am to use baseball bat to Fu*ck and you don’t have the rights to choose ends.) What fu*ck are you doing, do you know that?!

Do you know when you try to maintain your highest respect and dignity by pushing all your cloths toward your front to cover you small penis, you big ***** is exposed secretly behind you?! I mean, the Human Rights. I mean, the Human Rights violation ***** you every day every moment used to smear other countries. How are the human rights of an H-1B human alien being protected under your adjudication?

Please believe the stranger woman who has hard evidence to prove that I am innocent human being and accordingly change your mind by amending your verdict as to that I am not a pig and therefore should be allowed to enjoy human rights of a legal alien. Your heartless and absurd decision should have only been made in China, but not in the greatest United States of America.


Sincerely yours,

Dr. Nerd

A Chinese Postdoc at a US University

man402011-05-15 23:47:47
帮帮看2011-05-16 01:26:09
man402011-05-16 03:05:32
Man402011-05-16 03:12:33
Thanks again for your heartwarming 理解 and 同情!
着急没用2011-05-16 18:06:26
man402011-05-18 02:09:25
My case is not 一个简单的错误
Man402011-05-18 02:10:48