soccerfan20062011-06-14 16:25:36

8老师,皮匠, 知名度比较高, 色大胆小 and all teachers,

     As I posted before, I am currently working for a University with a H1B, and just got an offer from a local company (for which, if I work under capped h1B, I will have to start to work from Oct 1st because as 8老师 responded before, "I can work for it now but then have to stop working upon approval of the new H1B"). Now if the company is willing to sponsor me in the EB1B catergory,

       (1) can it start to file EB1B for me right now?       

       (2) Or it has to wait till Oct 1st to do it?

       (3) Another related quesiton is that I and the company's HR are exploring the possiblity of O-1 visa. I previously have built up some credits in academia, including

           - Around 20 peer-reviewed publicaitons, and book

           - More than 270 citations

           - serving in reviewer panels for more than 10 academic journals

          Should I give a shot at O-1, or there are certain specific requirements for "industrial O-1 visa", such as high salary (which I definitely do not qualify) or leading role (which does not fit my case either) 

     Thanks a lot!


8632112011-06-14 16:32:23
回复:8老师,皮匠, 知名度比较高, 色大胆小 and all teachers, another emergency ques
soccerfan20062011-06-14 18:21:18
Thanks a lot to 8老师!