fishflying20112011-06-22 02:28:38

还想请教一下皮老师和8大侠关于H4 transfer的问题,谢谢。



新学校于5月31号寄出H1b petition,但是是用的regular,不是加急处理,移民局6月2号早上收到,新的H1b申请的开始日期是6月15号。

我太太H4原来到期日期和我H1b 一样是09/30/2012.但是由于我的H1b可能是06/01/2011终止,她的H4也应该同时终止。新学校为我file 的H1b有效期是到05/31/2012. 在做H1b transfer的时候,对方学校告诉我,因为我太太的I-94有效期到09/30/2012,所以她的H4不用做tranfer. 所以新学校没有file I-539给她。



Contingency on H-1B principal's status Although an H-4 nonimmigrant is admitted to the United States for a fixed period of stay, the H-4's status is contingent upon the continued validity of the H-1B principal's status. Unlike H-1B status, however, H-4 status is not specific to an employer. As long as the period of authorized stay has not expired on the H-4's I-94, the H-4 nonimmigrant remains in valid status as long as the H-1B principal continues to maintain status, even if the H-1B principal changes employers. No action is required on the part of the H-4 nonimmigrant when the principal H-1B changes employers within the H-1B classification, unless the H-4's I-94 will be expiring, in which case an extension of stay application must be filed by the H-4 before the I-94 expiration date.

我想请教的是:从official的规定来看,H4维持合法的身份前提是H1b continues to maintain status. 但是对我的case,我算是continues to maintain status吗?虽然新的H1b在旧的过期前file了,我可以合法的等到receipt就上班。但是新的申请日期是06/15,和旧的有2周的gap。这样的情况还是算continues to maintain status吗?如果不算,那么是不是就是说我太太的H4就out of status了?如果有这个问题,我就考虑让我太太回国签证了。



pjiang2011-06-22 02:48:57
You both fine - 回复:再次请教各位老师关于H4 transfer 的问题
Man402011-06-22 03:50:12
"unless the H-4's I-94 will be expiring"