天诚2011-08-10 02:26:38

请问老师,前两天收到了pending已久的485的RFE,需要现在的公司一份employment verification letter。

可是跟公司HR谈过,公司怎么也不肯写跟“permanent"有关的字眼,还加上了“the employment is at will, either the employee or the company can terminate the relationship at any time."...

请问8老师,有没有什么其它的wording我可以用的,不写permanment的话:只写full-time的话可以么,比如说“the employment with company XXX is on a full-time basis, and it is at will, either the employee or the company can terminate the relationship at any time." 这样还可以么?


8632112011-08-10 03:05:17
回复:请问8老师和皮老师一个关于employment verification letter的问题
天诚2011-08-10 03:53:51
回复:回复:请问8老师和皮老师一个关于employment verification letter的问题
天诚2011-08-11 01:38:25