homestead2011-10-02 18:34:42


我的HIB extension was filed to Vermont center, the receipt day is 08/15/2011. I haven't receive decision yet. the time frame shown is 2 months. But my I-94 was expired on 10/01/2011. So I am out of status, right? Is that dangerous?

Besides, my drive license was expired on the same day, 10/01/2011, Is there any way to get renewed or I can not drive until extension approved.

I am very worried and many thanks for all your help.

8632112011-10-02 19:46:52
回复:请问8老师和其他专家,H1B extension and drive license
眉飞色舞2011-10-03 14:44:59
回复:请问8老师和其他专家,H1B extension and drive license