葡萄锤子2011-11-18 02:36:57


In connection with your application for naturalization, please answer each of the questions by checking "Yes" or "No."
You must answer these questions the day you are to appear for your citizenship oath ceremony.  These questions refer to
actions since the date you were first interviewed on your Application for Naturalization.  The questions do not refer to
anything that happened before the interview.

After you have answered every question, sign your name and fill in the date and place of signing, and provide your
current address.

You must bring this completed questionnaire with you to the oath ceremony, as well as the documents indicated on the
front, and give them to the employee of the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services at the oath ceremony.  You may
be questioned further on your answers at that time.

AFTER the date you were first interviewed on your Application for Naturalization,
Form N-400

1. Have you married, or been widowed, separated or divorced? (If "Yes," please
    bring documented proof of marriage, death, separation or divorce.)
2. Have you traveled outside the United States?
3. Have you knowingly committed any crime or offense, for which you have not been
4. Have you been arrested, cited, charged, indicted, convicted, fined or imprisoned for
    breaking or violating any law or ordinance, including traffic violations?
5. Have you joined any organization, including the Communist Party, or become
    associated or connected therewith in any way?
6. Have you claimed exemption from military service?
7. Has there been any change in your willingness to bear arms on behalf of the
    United States; to perform non-combatant service in armed forces of the United
    States; to perform work of national importance under civilian direction, if the law
    requires it?
8. Have you practiced polygamy, received income from illegal gambling, been a
   prostitute, procured anyone for prostitution or been involved in any other unlawful
   commercialized vice, encouraged or helped any alien to enter the United States
   illegally, illicitly trafficked in drugs or marijuana, given any false testimony to obtain
   immigration benefits, or been a habitual drunkard?


8632112011-11-18 02:50:34
回复:收到宣誓通知单。怎么填第二页的YES NO题