Imisshomesomuch2004-10-28 22:52:00
I just check it out at websit. It shows timing"Apr. 2001". God, it goes back!!
anyone knows why? How long gonna me to get it. I submitted the end of last year. Its been 1 year for me.
forurefere2004-10-28 23:22:57
回复:I got my RIR after 25month
stuckintex2004-10-29 00:37:41
回复:crying: NJ RIR processing
RIR2004-10-29 01:30:24
回复:回复:crying: NJ RIR processing
iwishiwish2004-10-29 03:43:45
that seems like a mistake
snow_ball2004-10-29 03:45:35
i miss home too :(
ieieiie2004-10-29 14:42:22
don't be so harsh on other peo