arister2011-11-28 17:12:33

I have a divoce document in Chinese, and used my address in america for the divorce. I just notice this address is correct in Chinese, but it is mis-translated in English: University Road -> Univerisiliy Road.   

It's written like this: 某某,住美国某某大学路123号 (123 Universiliy Road, ...)...

My question is when I translate my divorce document into English, should I correctly translate my address into English? But then it is not consistent with the words in the parentheses, will it cause me trouble?

Or should I stick to the wrong translation (123 Universiliy Road)?

Thanks very much.

pjiang2011-11-28 17:16:15
回复:mis-translation in my document
arister2011-11-28 20:45:07
谢谢皮将老师的link, 拜读了。但是还是不太sure.