SuperGoodGoodGood2011-12-20 03:18:22

昨天问过你job title 的问题,本来以为明白了,今天我看了老公的 Foreign Labor Certification,有几个问题:

1. In section F:prevailing wage information, # 3: Occupation title is entered as " Market Analyst" ( As I explained to you yesterday, The lawyer picked 'Market analyst" because it is more common than the position tile.

2. In section H: Job opportunity infomration( where work will be performed), # 3: job title is entered as ' Senior ratemaker analyst". 

3. In section H: #10: Is experience in an alternate occupation acceptable? is checked as 'yes". # Market Analyst.

In section H: # 11 is the job duties

4. In section K: Alien work experience, #5 current job title is also entered as ' sr ratemaker analyst'.

我看PERM打广告的position title也是Sr ratemaker analyst"

这一会'Sr ratemaker analyst',一会'market analyst',搞得我有点糊涂了. 从以上这些来看,我们出具EVL的时候position title是不是应该就是'Sr ratemaker analyst,而不是"market analyst','market analyst'这个到底是什么用途? Just for prevailing wage?  我们G325A填Occupation该填什么,是不是该填这个'Market analyst", 他的PERM广告上job category是information technology

还有job description是不是就copy the content in #11 of section H?

Please advise! Sorry the lengthy question and thanks a lot for your time and patience!



highage2011-12-20 03:56:48
我的Perm批准复印件上有Occupation Title and job title
8632112011-12-20 04:23:31
回复:急问8老师job title and EVL的问题
SuperGoodGoodGood2011-12-20 04:43:20
回复:我的Perm批准复印件上有Occupation Title and job title
SuperGoodGoodGood2011-12-20 04:44:44
回复:回复:急问8老师job title and EVL的问题