beadbead2004-10-31 08:14:21
Got Ph.D (Chemical Engineering) in summer.
Ph.D. research on Environmental protection area .
4 journal publications (first author) in English
3 conference proceedings.
3 journal publications in Chinese (some 2nd author)

No citations, No award

Now working in a large company as a Postdoc in a difference area with H1B.

Can I use my Ph.D. research to apply for NIW? (I am a little concerned that my current job is not in the same area any more).

Can I have a try?
NIW_20042004-10-31 08:45:28
what is your current area?
CACSD2004-10-31 13:56:18
回复:pls help to evaluate my case
beadbead2004-10-31 18:40:56
回复:pls help to evaluate my case
NIW_20042004-10-31 19:35:18
回复:回复:pls help to evaluate my case