radian2012-01-13 07:08:58

Dear 皮老师,8老师:

       thanks for your help before. i have a question as to

how to calculte the extended days dealing with  the eligibility to

apply Green card as dependent after 21 years old.


in the above table, we use birth day,   PD,   aproval day and

the visa bulletin currrent day.

on the I140, there are 3 dates: Priorite Date,  receipt date, notice date. 

according to my understanding, the extended days after 21 years old is actuuly:

notice date -  PD, is that right? 

the above table in the line seems everything is clear, then is it trustable?

if use  notice date - receipt date, then it make big difference. i think this is wrong.  

I am worrying, waiting for your answer. many thanks.












pjiang2012-01-13 12:20:52
回复:皮老师,8老师 a questions about 21 years old daughter
radian2012-01-13 16:25:17
回复:回复:皮老师,8老师 a questions about 21 years old daughter
pjiang2012-01-13 17:01:00
回复:回复:回复:皮老师,8老师 a questions about 21 years old daughter