关于I-864填表 9. I am sponsoring the following family members immigrating at the same time or within six months of the principal immigrant named in Part 2 above. Do not include any relative listed on a separate visa petition. ======================== 21. Your Household Size –DO NOT COUNT ANYONE TWICE f. If you have sponsored any other persons on an I-864 or I-864 EZ who are now lawful permanent residents, enter the number here. 我分别为我父母递交了I-130表,但是他们还没拿到绿卡,这里要填人数吗?(例如我妈的I-864表里,这项要填我爸,人数“1”吗?还是填“0”)
为父母申请绿卡时,因为有分别的 I-130 和各自的 I-864,是否这项就不用填了?(例如 我爸的I-864表,这项就不用填我妈的名字了,这样填正确吗?)