tomato20092012-03-06 19:52:22


    上周收到了EAD,卡的最下面写着“serves as I-512 Advance parole”。因为两周后要回国,感觉像天上掉了馅饼一样。想再请皮老师帮忙确认一下:

    下面是我在USCIS上查到的:Why did USCIS combine these benefits in one card?
A2.  With the new card, adjustment of status applicants no longer will have to carry both an EAD and a separate paper Advance Parole document while awaiting adjudication of their Form I-485 applications. Instead, applicants only will have to carry this one credit card-sized card.  The new card is more secure and more durable than the current paper Advance Parole document.


Best always,

小小粉猪2012-03-06 21:08:21
tomato20092012-03-06 22:01:25