shmu2012-03-10 01:18:32

VB出来了, EB2排期不动。01MAY2010.
EB3  3/1/2005

Call 202-663-1541 and get record

GO to MITBBS website EB23 board see below post, if here you cannot open it


发信人: pattaya (pattaya 猪), 信区: EB23
标 题: Official April VB PDF is out NOW
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Mar 9 16:09:15 2012, 美东)


山间羚羊2012-03-10 08:02:49
shmu2012-03-10 12:16:36
VB出来了, now you can call 202-663-1541 and listen record
shmu2012-03-10 12:20:10
It is easy to call 202-663-1541
shmu2012-03-10 12:49:08
回复:Good to see EB3 and FB move forward